
(Read Before Entering This Site)

By entering the Rock of Offence
site, you have read and understood all
of the following:

  • The information on this website introduces the reader to the ancient institution of "blood covenant" on which New Testament salvation is based. The practice of animal sacrifices performed by the Levitical priesthood to cover the sins of Israel under Old Testament Judaism - and the New Testament blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" - may be offensive to some who are outside the Christian faith. Yet, they are crucial in properly understanding God's salvation as revealed by the Holy Scriptures - The Bible.

  • We do not encourage anyone to practice the blood covenant rite today except to participate in the one Jesus Christ has already initiated. Christ's blood covenant (also called "The New Covenant") is never to be compared to the perverted counterfeit practices found in the occult, witchcraft or Satanic worship.

  • You will hold any party no matter how remotely connected to Rock of Offence or Word Afire Ministries harmless for any liability for any act or transaction that may cause personal harm or loss, no matter the cause or reason, at any time.

  • You will personally indemnify any claims against Rock of Offence Ministries for any act or transaction that may cause personal harm or loss, no matter the cause or reason, at any time.

  • The material included on hyper-links to other websites are not under the control of Rock of Offence Ministries. The material on these sites, including political and religious views, do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Rock of Offence or Word Afire Ministries and are included for discussion and informational purposes only.

  • Our use of hyper-links to articles on other ministry websites does not necessarily mean that the author or the organization he or she represents is in agreement with the beliefs of Rock of Offence Ministries.

  • The information found on this website is offered as the opinion of the owner, which he believes is based on the clear teachings of the Bible. Unfortunately, we do not personally know you or have all the required information about your specific situation. For that reason, the comments and opinions offered on this website are never to be substituted for the advice of a licensed professional. All visitors should seek the guidance of a minister or professional counselor familiar with you and your family before making any important personal decisions about your life.

  • Rock of Offence is a “not-for-profit” Internet-based Biblical research and public educational project of the owner. It is not a church or religious organization and has no paid staff and no buildings or offices. We are not a commercial business. We do not solicit money or ask for monetary “offerings” from the public. This project is referred to as “a Bible-based teaching ministry”. Yet, it receives no monetary support that traditional religious organizations require. We do not receive any money, revenue or financial benefit from advertisements or products found or displayed on any website hyper-link, which is included on this website or webpage. We receive no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned on this website/webpage or its hyper-links.

  • All Scripture quotes in our research articles and commentaries are from the King James and the New King James versions of the Bible unless specifically noted otherwise.

  • Due to the non-profit research and educational nature of Rock of Offence, we qualify under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the “fair use” clause for copyrighted materials. For this reason, any copyrighted work on this website is provided under the “fair use” provision without profit or payment for non-profit research, educational and discussion purposes only. This provision of U.S. Law can be viewed at:


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Rock of Offence is a “not-for-profit” Internet-based Biblical research and public educational project of the owner. It is not a church or religious organization and has no paid staff and no building or offices. We are not a commercial business. We do not solicit money or ask for monetary “offerings” from the public. This project is referred to as “a Bible-based ministry”. Yet, it receives no monetary support that traditional religious organizations require. We do not receive any money, revenue or financial benefit from advertisements or products found or displayed on any website hyper-link, which is included on this website or webpage. We receive no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned on this website/webpage or its hyper-links. The information found on this website is offered only as the opinion of the author. Unfortunately, we do not personally know you or have all the required information about your specific situation. For that reason, the comments and opinions offered on this website are never to be substituted for the advice of a licensed professional. All visitors should seek the guidance of a minister or professional counselor familiar with you and your family before making any important personal decisions about your life. All Scripture quotes in our research articles and commentaries are from the King James and the New King James versions of the Bible unless specifically noted. Due to the non-profit research and educational nature of Rock of Offence, we qualify under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the “fair use” clause for copyrighted materials. For this reason, any copyrighted work on this website is provided under the “fair use” provision without profit or payment for non-profit research, educational and discussion purposes only. This provision of U.S. Law can be viewed at:


Copyright © 2018 Rock of Offence
Most recent revision July 2018